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Other Research Activities

The College is organizing a series of research Symposiums with the participation of Faculty and Faculty from partner Institutions. The research Symposiums give the opportunity to the participants to present their research work, thesis and research interests.  Academics will be able to discuss current trends and methods applied in different types of research and also to shape collaborations for future research.  

In addition to the above, the College is organising Conferences with the participation of its Faculty and Faculty from partner Institutions every two years.  Selected research work will be presented during the Conferences.  Abstracts / Papers presented in the Conferences will also be published in the CTL Eurocollege Social Sciences and Technology Research Journal.

In order to enhance further the engagement of its Faculty and Students in research work and research activities, the College is organising an online Colloquium every year which aims to support both the Faculty and Students to exchange ideas and experience in conducting research and preparing papers and thesis for publication. The first online Colloquium was organised in July 2021.

The first Student Research Conference (SRC) 2024 in collaboration with the Old Polish University of Applied Sciences in Kielce Poland took place on January 29th 2024 with the participation of the Faculty of Hotel & Tourism Management of the Cyprus University of Technology. The conference hosted nineteen (19) students and 2 Professors from the Old Polish University of Applied Sciences, eight (8) students from the CTL Eurocollege and two (2) students from the Cyprus University of Technology.

1st Student Research Conference (SRC) 2024 | 29th of January 2024

The Mission:

Will be to put Bachelor's and Master’s research in the spotlight as well as to enhance interest among Students for Academic Research. The vision of the SRC is to involve Students in Academic Research. Indeed, various conferences around the world are organised every year to stress the vital role and essentiality of research as part of an academic education and to bring together students and academics.

Research Seminar Series

The first online presentation “The effect on board gender diversity on job cuts: The case of family firms”, took place on January 19th 2024, in collaboration with the Cyprus University of Technology as part of a Research Seminar Series. The Speaker of the presentation was María José Sánchez-Bueno, Associate Professor of Management, Department of Business Administration, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.