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News & Events


FuTour stands for Frameworks for Future Tourism, and its aim is to:

  1. Support VETs of the tourism field to redefine themselves, establish and develop innovative strategies and smart approaches
  2. Create partnership possibilities, mastermind new services, develop innovative solutions and answers
  3. Equip the VETs with the latest updates, trends, methods as well as tools in order for them to haver genuine curricula and courses so that they prepare competitive and emplovable future professionals/employees of the tourism field
  4. Strengthen digital competences and skills of the learners so that they pave their career path independently and successfully in the tourism industry, have sustainable income as well as overall socio-economic outlook of the best practices and the innovations, and knowledge of more green and sustainable methods of the field.

Are you a VET or SME of the tourism industry interested in promotion of sustainable tourism and hospitality branch and innovation and digitalization in education? Visit FuTour official webpage: www. futour. erasmusplus website. There you can find what we do, what we offer, how to realize that and why it matters. 

Project partners:

  • Gewerkstatt (Germany)
  • Ctl Eurocollege (Cyprus)
  • Zespol Szkol Morskich w Darlowie (Poland)
  • CFPCEMON (Italy)