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Career Development and Progress

Career Development and Progress

The professional career development of the Academic Staff members and their involvement in research, either on an individual basis or under the umbrella of CTL Eurocollege, as well as their participation in research programmes in collaboration with other Higher Education Institutions is something which is very much encouraged by CTL Eurocollege management.

The College Administration requires that academics to publish one paper in high impact academic journal, one article on conference proceedings and participate in at least one international conference every year.   In addition, it is recommended that faculty and staff engage in research projects with international partners from institutions, businesses, public agencies and communities.

Evaluation of faculty for the ranking

An internal process is in place concerning the ranking evaluation of the faculty. A committee that is consisted of one faculty member (Associate or Professor) from the home institution and two external examiners (Associate or Professor) from local and international institutions evaluates the prospective faculty member for job advancement. The committee examines the candidates based on designed criteria, prepares and submits a report to the college administration. The criteria includes the number and the quality of the publications (H index factor), the academic journals, involvement in the community, professional initiatives in research, peer reviewing assignments and student project supervision. The college administration takes a decision on the advancement and benefits of the prospective faculty member based on the Committee report.


The Associate Professor qualifications are a prerequisite and in addition:

Minimum requirements:

  • Holder of PhD, plus 11 years teaching experience after the acquisition of a PhD title from a recognised University. 
  • International recognition of the candidate’s scientific work. 
  • Publication of articles in prestigious international scientific journals or monographs and books of recognized publishing houses that substantiate remarkable self-reliant research. 
  • Ability to promote research which includes supervising of postgraduate students, guidance or important contribution to research programs or securing external funding for research activities. 

Associate Professor

For the position of Associate Professor, the Assistant Professor’s qualifications are a prerequisite, and in addition:

Minimum requirements:

  • Holder of PhD, plus 7 years teaching experience after the acquisition of a PhD title from a recognised University. 
  • Publication of articles in prestigious international scientific journals or monographs and books of recognized publishing houses that substantiate remarkable self-reliant research. 
  • Ability to promote research which includes supervising of postgraduate students, guidance or important contribution to research programs or securing external funding for research activities. 
  • Indication of international recognition of the candidate’s contribution in specific research fields such as research reports, invitations for scientific speeches, assignments of article evaluation, research proposals or doctoral theses, participation in scientific journal publication committees or participation in convention organizing. 

Assistant Professor

For the position of Assistant Professor, the following are required:

Minimum requirements:

  • Holder of PhD, plus 3 years teaching experience after the acquisition of a PhD title from a recognised University. 
  • Evidence of research and original publications in valid international scientific journals, or other publications of recognized value that forebode important contribution to science. 

Senior Lecturer

For the position of Senior Lecturer the following are required:

Minimum requirements

  • Holder of PhD with no teaching experience. 
  • Participation in Conferences and submission of abstracts/papers in conference proceeding 

Lecturer 1

For the position of Lecturer 1:

Minimum requirements

  • Holder of MA or MSc. 

Lecturer 2

For the position of Lecturer 2:

Minimum requirements

  • Holder of BA or BSc.