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Emergency Response plan 3

If Confronted by a Threatening Person:

Remain as calm as possible. Be cooperative and patient. Time is on your side.

Offer to listen. Do not judge or argue with perceptions. Treat each concern as important and valid. A person in a crisis will only respond to someone who is willing to listen, understanding, respectful, and non-threatening.

Allow the hostile person his or her personal space (at least 3 feet).

If you are standing, stand at an angle to the individual rather than face-to- face.

Keep your hands in plain view, preferably at your sides.

Do not make gestures of physical contact that might seem threatening.

Maintain polite eye contact. Keep gestures and body language open and non- threatening. Use a low, soft, slow voice when speaking. Ask/tell the person before you make any moves.

Be truthful - to lose credibility can be catastrophic. Assure the person you will do everything you can to resolve his or her grievances in a fair manner.

Ask the aggrieved party to suggest a solution. A person in crisis will be more accepting of a solution that he or she helped formulate.

Always look for a win-win outcome. Retaining dignity (saving face) is paramount to the person in crisis.

Be observant. Note as much as possible about the aggressor, including type and number of weapons, state of mind, what was said. Pay attention to details about the space you are in. If you are released or decide to escape, this information will be needed by police to ensure the safety of others.